Want to book more luxury weddings?

Tune into our master class where I'm sharing 3 behind-the-scenes strategies to booking high touch wedding photography events

You're in the right place if 

You are:

+ Tired of putting yourself out there but not getting the bookings you truly want

+ Lacking in confidence and wishing you knew how to get clients to trust and hire you.

+ Ready to book clients who see and value your artistry and style.

+ Looking to book stunning events that will help you solidify your brand name in the industry.

I've been where you are. Let me help.

+ Having difficulty getting inquires and initial meetings when you don't hear back.

+ Struggling to make ends meet with photograph as a full time career path.


I didn’t know what I was doing. I spent month after month researching tips, Googling my 5,634 questions, and making more mistakes than I can count. 

It was frustrating and time consuming, but after years of trial and error, I finally learned how to build a successful, sustainable luxury wedding photography business. The good news? You can skip all those years of costly mistakes. 

When I discovered my love for photography, I was studying architecture, but I knew that it was time to due something I was truly passionate about. 

I wanted to be a photographer, but not just any photographer. I wanted to photograph luxury weddings and make a name for myself in the competitive industry. But unlike architecture school . . .

There is no school for wedding photographers.

Let me teach you everything I know about luxury wedding photography.

- Catherine

Sure, You Could Do It Yourself.

You could spend the years just as I did making ALL the mistakes...learning the hard way what clients do and don't like. I had to go through the trial and error of figuring out what to say and how to pose clients (leaving some disappointed along the way) before I figured out the strategies to consistently pose clients over and over again.

I'm sharing my lessons learned in this class so that you don't have to make the same mistakes I did. I can't wait!


learn the myths

There are so many misconceptions about the luxury industry and what it takes to get inside.

access the tips

Figure out how to make the most out of your current position and make a stake in the industry.

book luxury events

No matter where you are in your business, you can achieve this. I can show you how.